Civil Parish record details , used pre 20th century …later DED divisions are used in census records
Explanation of administrative divisions such as D.E.D.s , Civil Parishs and Baronies , also some information on land measurement …
Shrule Civil Parish
Click on map for a detailed townland index map . . . .
Official O.S. townland names in this parish are |
Unknown | Ballisnahyny |
Ballycurrin Demesne | Ballynalty |
Brackloon | Brodullagh North |
Brodullagh South | Bunnafollistran |
Cahernabrock | Cloghmoyne |
Cloonbanaun | Commons |
Cullagh | Dalgan Demesne |
Glasvally | Gortatober |
Gortbrack | Kinlough |
Mocollagan | Mocorha |
Mounthenry | Moyne |
Ramolin | Rooaunalaghta |
Shrule | Shrule Town |
Toorard | Cornehan |
Placenames in this parish other than official townlandsKnown locations other than official townlands where the geographical location is known. |
Badgerfort | Ballina |
Boharbee | Cahirard |
Cappagh | Carheen |
Church Park | Church Park Moyne |
Courteenvesey | Crackswell |
Cruckafully | Glencorrib |
Graffe | Imreas |
Kilroe | Lakefield |
Lismurragha | Longhill |
Mill | Mweelis |
Parks | Pollahapall |
Pollbui | Pollough |
Ravenhill | Scardaun |
St Ledger Court | St Mary’s Road |
Tallagarve | Toorard |
Tubberkiarane | Turloughnapisha |
Wallpark | Woodpark |
Placenames whose locations are unknownMentioned in the parish baptism and marriage records but locations unknown. |
Arthur’s Bog | B.fad |
B.tubber | Ballyculligan |
Cooldisheen |
Places mentioned in The Survey and Distribution book and Petty’s Atlas(1641..1703).
Carrownaheely | Clynest |
Croskea | Curhinane |
Stradnagh |
Places mentioned in The Tithe Applotment book (1825-35). |
Burke’s farm | Duane |
Gibsy’s yard | Meeneen Park |
O’Boyle’s Farm | Parkmno |
Post Park |
Tithe Applotments (1823-38) Exact Locations unknown but in this parish.
Tenants Name | Placename | Miscellanious Notes . . . . |
Fahy | Duane | |
Phew | Stradnagh | |
Garvey | Stradnagh | |
Flynn | Stradnagh | |
Kenny | Stradnagh | |
Hart | Stradnagh | |
Connor | Cooldisheen | |
Phew | Cooldisheen | |
Naughton | Cooldisheen | |
Keville | Cooldisheen | |
Kearney | Cooldisheen | |
Biggins | Cooldisheen | |
Sullivan | Cooldisheen | |
Conry | Curhinane | |
Molloy | Curhinane | |
Keville | Curhinane | |
Jameson | Meeneen Park |
Archealogical places of interest in this parish. |
Abbey | Cahermore |
Cahernahilk | Clochgortaleagaun |
Moyne Graveyard | St. Colman’s |
Islands associated with this parish. |
Islands in Lough Corrib | Red Island |
Geographical features named in this parish. |
Clochandhu | Crannmore |
Cruckaunacree | Dooneen |
Eagle hill | Grandgate |
Kilroe Hill | Legiddy |
Loughlee Well | Peenoge |
Pidgeons Hill | Pollbeg Turlough |
Pullakeeraun | The Cregg |
Tobernaleckagh | Tomb wood |
Whitegate |
Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary 1837.
The Shrule entry in Lewis Topographical Dictionary of 1837
Lewis’ Topographical Dictionary (1837)
A parish, in the barony of Kilmaine, county of MAYO, and province of
Connaught 3¾ miles (N.) from Headford, on the road from Galway to Westport;
containing 4167 inhabitants, of which number, 507 are in the village. This
parish is situated on the river Blackwater, which running through the village
separates the counties of Mayo and Galway . It comprises 8959 statute acres,
as applotted under the tithe act.
The land is of good quality, and chiefly under tillage; the system of
agriculture is mach improved, and the wheat produced here is considered
to be the best is the county: the only waste land is bog, which might be
easily reclaimed and converted into good pasture. Limestone of excellent
quality is found is abundance, and quarried for agricultural purposes and
for building.
The principal seats are
Dalgan Park, the residence of P. Kirwan, Esq., a spacious mansion of
hewn limestone, in the Grecian style, with a noble hall supported on lofty
Carinthian columns and lighted by a finely proportioned dome;
Riverview, of M: J. Hunt, Esq.
Glen Corrib of A. Brown, Esq ;
Shrule, of R. Golden, Esq.,
Ballycurrin Castle, of P. Lynch, Esq. ;
Houndswood, of M. D’Arcy, Esq.
The village contains 86 houses; .many of which are neatly built, and
the salubrity of the climate is such as to render it a desirable residence
for invalids.To the rear of Riverview is a hamlet called Gurtloygraph in
which are manyinstances of longevity. An extensive brewery is carried on,
and there are large corn-mills, the property of R. Golden, Esq. A market
for corn is held here every Thursday, which is abundantly supplied and there
are fairs on Easter-Monday, July 26th, and Nov 11th. A constabulary police
force is stationed in the village and petty sessions are held on alternate
The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Tuam and is the patronage
of the Archbishop ; the rectory forms part of the union or wardenship of
Galway. The tithes amount to £284. 2. 8., of which £183. 17. 5. is payable
to the Warden of Galway, and the remainder to. the vicar.
In the R. C. divisions the parish is in the diocese of Galway, and is
co-extensive with that of the Established Church : the chapel is a neat
edifice in the ancient English style, with a square tower, towards the erection
of which £1300. was contributed by Mr. Kirwan, of Dalgan Park, who also
gave the ground.: it has a handsome marble altar-piece, presented by T.
Martin, Esq. About five miles from ShruIe is a Franciscan convent, endowed
by the Lynch family with 30 acres of land, to which is attached a chapel.
There are three private schools, is which are about 100 children. Some interesting
remains of the old castle and of the ancient abbey of Shrule are still in
existence. In the demesne of Ballycurrin are the remains of the castle of
that name, in good preservation ; the floors are still perfect, and it might
easily be rendered habitable; from the summit are extensive views of Lough
Corrib, Connemara, and the surrounding country.
References to Ballisnahiny and Glencorrib are in the entry for Kilmainemore
parish – M.Ryan
Field Name books from 1840’s
Field Name Book description from 1838/1839 noted by the surveyors who produced the O.S maps originally.
Shruil Ph.
B.S.S.M. : 1
Sruthair, a stream. — Four Masters.
Corrupted in Sruthail by the substitution of L for R a quite common substitution
in the case of Irish place names.
- Shrule : J. 0’D,
- Shruel : Co. Cess Collector
- Shruel : Barony Map
- Shruil : County Map
- Shroule : Down Survey Maps
- Shroll : Inq. temp. Eliz
This parish occupies most of the southern portion of the barony of Kilmaine.
It is bounded on the N. by the parishes of. Kilmainebeg, Moorgagagh and
Kilmainemore; on the S. and E, by the County Galway, from which it is
separated by the Black River; and on the E. by Lough Corrib and the parish
of Cong.
It contains 11,600 acres 2 roods 32 perches, statute measure, which includes
151 a. 1r. 32p. of a detached portion, 738a. 3r. 20p. of Lough Corrib,
and 143a. 3r. 20p. of small loughs. The soil is in parts very good, produce
excellent crops of wheat, oats, potatoes, etc.; but in many parts it is
light and very rocky, with much rough pasture and bog. The road from Ballinrobe
through Cross to Headford passes across this parish from W. to S.E.
The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Tuam. The Tithes amount to
?264 2s. 8d.
A small detached portion of the parish of Kilmainebeg lies in the centre
of this parish, and comprises the townlands of Ballisnahyny East and Carrowoughteragh.
More notes on Shrule Parish
This parish takes its name from the river. which flows under the bridge
and separates the counties of Galway and Mayo there.
There is in this barony (Kilmaine) upon the extreme boundary thereof
an ancient fair castle and Manor of Shrowle, now since the beginning of
King James’s reign belonging to the Earl of Clanrickarde, but till then,
since the English Invasion, to another family of great note, called Burke
of Shrowle and,of late years, of Cloghan, who is said to be the eldest
of the Burkes of Mayo – Downey.
In 1570 Shrule Castle was besieged by the forces of the Crown, between
whom and a relieving force a fierce battle was fought. The tradition of
this battle is still vivid among the country-people, and has led to a
false origin fabricated by them for the name Shrule. They say is signifies
Sruth-Fhuil, the stream of blood, from the river of blood, that flows
by the castle walls from the numbers slain in the engagement.
The building of Shrule Castle, as of its Church, is attributed to the
Other Castles
In Kinlough are an old castle and church, also said to have been built
by the Burkes. Ballisnahyny and Ballycurran are square castle; they, too,
are attributed to the Burkes.
Miscellaneous Features Section
Gentlemen’s Seats
- Ballycurrin House
- Dalgan House
- Glencorrib Lodge
- Lakefield
- Moyne Lodge
- Ballycurrin Rock
- Cornelian Islands
- Inchaquin
- Inishkeeragh
- Red Island
- Shanina
Rivers, Lakes and Wells
- Black River
- Lough Lee
- Loughnakill
- Pollaghkeeraun
- Toberkieraun
- Tobersharve
- Well of Lough Lea
- Shrule
- Cloghgortalegaun
- Kinlough Fort
- Ballisnahyny Castle
- Ballycurrin Castle
- Mocorha Castle
- Moyne Castle
- Shrule Castle
- Moyne Church and Graveyard
Miscellaneous Features
Gentlemen’s Seats
Ballycurrin House
See Section 2 ,29
Situated in the south side of Ballycurrin td. The seat of Captain Lynch.
Dalgan House
See Section 16.,30
In the east side of Dalgan Demesne. The residence of Patrick Kirwan, Esq.
This is a large mansion of hewn limestone. Its principal feature is its spacious pillared hall surmounted by a dome.
Attached to the residence is a large, well-timbered demesne.
Glencorrib Lodge
See Section 16.,31
A fancy name. : J. O’D
In the west side of Bunnafollistran td. The seat of Arthur Browne, Esq.
See Section 16.,32
In the N.E. side of Ramolin td. The residence of Mr.. Foy.
Moyne Lodge.
See section 23. ,33
Situated in the east side of Moyne td. The seat of Mr. John Golding.
Ballycurrin Rock
In Lough Corrib. Contains 0a. 1r. 26p.
Cornelian Islands
These are 3 islands in Lough Corrib.
The largest island contains 2a. 2r. 3p.
The smallest contains Oa. Or. 39p.
The medium-sized island contains Oa. 1r. 16p.
Inse Ui Chuinn , 0’Quin’s island.
Inchaquin : J.. 0′ D
An island in Lough Corrib.
Inis Caorach, island of the sheep. In Lough Corrib. Contains Oa. 1r. 13p.
Red Island
A large island in Lough Corrib. Contains 6a. 2.r. 39p.
In Lough Corrib small island containing Oa. Or. 35p.
Rivers Lakes and Well’s
Black River
- Local 40 : Abhainn Dubh, black river.
- Owenduff : J. 0’D
- Owen-Duff -river : Co. Map
This river runs by the east and south sides of the parish, forming the County, Barony, Parish and Townland boundaries.
It falls into Lough Corrib.
Lough Lee
B, S. S, 41
Loch Laoigh, the lake of the calf.
- Lough Lee : J. O’ D,
- Loughanlee : Inq. temp. Jac.
The lake is situated on the north boundary of the parish, and is common to the townlands of Ramolin and. Dalgan.
Lough Kill
Local 42
Loch na Cille the lake of the church.
- Loughnakill : J. 0’D
Situated on the north boundary, partly in this parish and partly in Moorgagagh parish.
This lake is almost dry in the summer season.
Local 43 : There is a Pollach Riabhach also.
Pollach Ciarain , St. Kieran’s hole.
- Pollaghkeeraun : J. 0’D
In the east side of the td. of Mocorha. spring well.
Tober Keraun
Local 44
Tobar Ciaráin , St. Kieran’s well
- Toberkieraun : J. 0′ D,
Spring well.
CO. Map 45
Tobar Searbh , bitter well.
- Tobersharve : J. 0’D
- Tobernaveeragh : Local
In the north side of the td., and adjacent to the parish boundary. spring well in Shrule td.
The Well of Lough Lee
See Section 41 ,Local 46
Tobar Locha Laoigh , well of the calf’s lake.
- Well of Lough Lee : J. O’D
In the N.W. side of the townland. of Dalgan Demesne, and adjacent to Lough Lee. This is a spring well, considered sacred.
Co. Map 47
See Section 27 and the remarks therein.
- Shrule : J. 0′ D
- Shroule : Down Survey
- William Burke of Shruell : Compossicion Book of Conought
In the south side of Shrule td.
Local 48
Gort a’ Liagáin ,field of the standing-stone.
- Clogh Gorta legaun : J.O’D
In the north side of Mocorha td. This is a Liagan, or Standing-stone, about five feet above the surface of the ground
Kinlough Fort
Local 49
- Kinlough Fort : J. 0’D
See townland name Section 20 : On the boundary common to the townlands of Kinlough and Brodullagh South.
This is a very large fort, having a diameter of about 8 1/2 chains
Ballisnhiney Castle , Ruins of
See Section 4. : Co. Map 50
- Ballisnahyny Castle : J. 0’D,
In the east centre of the td. of Ballisnahyny East, on the north end of the site of a fort by the side of a lane.
A massive tower, 32 feet by 42 feet at the base of the batter. The walls are still over 40 feet high.
Ballycurran Castle
Co. Map 51
- Ballycurrin Castle , the Ruins of : J. 0′ D,
See Section 2. Situated in the south side of Ballycurrin td.
Mocorha Castle
J. O’D. 52
See Section 24
In the central part of R Mocorha td. In ruins.
Moyne Castle, Ruins of
J. 0’D : Co. Map 53
See Section 23.
Situated in the east side of the townland of Moyne, near, the parish mearing.
Shrule Castle
54, See Section 27.
The ruins of what was once a very formidable stronghold. It consists of. a massive tower, some 50 feet high.
Moyne, Old Church and Graveyard
Local 55
Situated in the N.W. side of the townland of Moyne.
The placename database covers the Poor Law Unions of Ballinrobe and Tuam roughly a 15 kilometer radius centered on Shrule , the townland database covers most of Connaught in lesser detail .
When searching for a placename type some or all of the word and click search. If you are unsure of the spelling try a part of the word . For example the placename Mocharra sounds like Moharra so if you search for arra you should find it. For example a placename record ( eg Rostaff ) gives the townland ( eg Moyne ) and the civil parish ( eg Shrule ) .
Civil Parish details available :: 40
Abbeyknockmoy , Annaghdown , Athenry , Belclare , Ballinchalla , Ballinrobe , Cargin , Clonbern , Claregalway , Cong (Galway) , Cummer , Dunmore , Donaghpatrick , Kilbennon , Kilconla , Kilmoylan , Kilcoona , Killeany , Killursa , Kilkilvery , Killower , Lackagh , Moylough , Monivea , Killererin , Tuam , Ballinchalla , Ballyovey , Ballinrobe , Ballintober , Cong , Kilcommon , Kilmolara , Kilmainebeg , Kilmainemore , Moorgagagh , Mayo , Robeen , Shrule , Unknown , more to come . . . .Barony details available
Clare , Kilmaine , more to come . . . .Poor Law Unions details available
Tuam , Ballinrobe , more to come . . . .Land divisions and Administration
Go to the Map Resources page for descriptions and explanations of the land divisions used in genealogy plus explanations of terms etc…
Civil Parish Maps
There are two general index maps of the Civil Parishes , one for South Mayo and the other for North Galway . These correspond roughly to the Baronies of Kilmaine (Co Mayo ) and Clare (Co Galway) and show the civil parish boundaries and parish locations in relation to each other.
Townland Index maps .
Official O.S. townland names in Shrule parish
Unknown , Ballisnahyny , Ballycurrin Demesne , Ballynalty , Brackloon , Brodullagh North , Brodullagh South , Bunnafollistran , Cahernabrock , Cloghmoyne , Cloonbanaun , Commons , Cullagh , Dalgan Demesne , Glasvally , Gortatober , Gortbrack , Kinlough , Mocollagan , Mocorha , Mounthenry , Moyne , Ramolin , Rooaunalaghta , Shrule , Shrule Town , Toorard , Cornehan , if the place you seek is not here it’s not an official townland name , search or select the parish link to see all placenames in that parish.
There are townland index maps for Shrule and the surrounding civil parishes available below . They show the townland boundaries and main features of the Civil Parish . They can be useful in locating adjacent townlands or parishes to the one you may be researching.