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Moorgagagh :: Survey and Distribution

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After the wars of the mid-seventeenth century, the English government needed solid information on land ownership throughout Ireland to carry out its policy of land redistribution. The Books of Survey and Distribution record ownership before the Cromwellian and Williamite confiscations, c.1641, and after, c.1666

Parish of Moorgagagh , County Mayo

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
1 Richd. Darcy & John Darcy Cloonecrempe als Cloonecreane …..
2 Qrs. ( vizt.)
221 0 00 John Darcey #
Clooncreame als Cloonecremp 1 017 0 00 John Darcey #
Car. & 1/3 pt. of a Quarter
Arrable & Pasture . . . . 087 0 00
A A Parcell of Bog 1/6 profitble . . 025 0 00 005 0 00
092 0 00
026 0 00 Earle Clanrickard

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
2 Ld. Clanrickd. 2/3 & 1/3 1/3 part of a Quarter part of ye
Christopher Darcey Towneland cald. Cloonecrampe 039 0 00
Arrable and Pasture cont………. 246 0 00 Sr. Thomas Blake nomine

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
3 James Oge Darcey . . 1/3 part of a cartron being part of
ye town land Cloonecrampe
containing of Arable intermixt 006 0 00 054 0 00
with Rocky Pasture 1/10 wast Acres set off before
the whole containing . . . .

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
4 Cornard Darcey . . One Cartron of ye Town Land
of Cloonecramp containing of
Arrable intermixt wth. Rocks 003 0 00 024 0 00
1/10 th wast . . . . . .
024 0 00

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
5 Patrick Darcey . . . . 1/2 a Quarter & one Gneeve cald
Corry & Feagh being part of 054 0 00
ye Town Land of Cloonecrampe
Arrable & Pasture containing .. ..
A A Parcell of Turf Bog 1/4 wast cont. .. 001 0 00 003 0 00
057 0 00

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
6 Sr. Richd. Blake . . Lisnahellygane 1 Qr. Arrable & 036 0 00 Robert Blake #
Pasture . . . . 036 0 00 036 0 00 Maw: Thompson <
100 0 00 Idem <

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
7 Henry French . . . . Killinebringe 1 Qr. Abby Land
Arrable & Pasture intermixt 006 0 00 081 0 00 081 0 00 Peeter Beaghan <
with Rocks 1/15 part wast cont. ….

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
8 Sr. Richd. Blake . . Mullane a Cartron Arrable & Pasture
containing . . . . 020 0 00 020 0 00 Robert Blake #
020 0 00 Richard Ormesby <

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
9 Idem . . . . Garran 1 Quarter
Arrable intermixt wth. som. Bushy 001 0 00 023 0 00 023 0 00 Robert Blake #
Pasture 1/12 being wast. 023 0 00 Richard Ormesby <

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
10 Patrick Darcey The cartron cal’d Cartronnavarr 011 0 00 011 0 00 George ffrench #
arrable and pasture containing 011 0 00 Lord Mayo <

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
11 James Darcey fits The other cartron cal’d Mense
Nichs 1/3 Jon. Thomas 016 0 00 George ffrench #
Richd. & David O Wryen the rest Arable & Pasture Cont. . . 016 0 00 016 0 00 Lord Mayo <

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
12 James Darcy . . . . Cregnagh 1 Cartron
James McNichols Darcy Arable & Pasture . . . . 050 0 0
B & Christopher Darcy 1/2 A Parcell of Bushy & Rocky 052 0 00 George ffrench #
James Oge Darcy 1/2 Pasture 1/4 of profitable 007 0 00 002 0 00
belonging to the same . . 052 0 00 Lord Mayo <
052 0 00

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
13 John Nolan . . . . Carrowmore als Carrowmoreiterbrien
1 Qr. . . . . . . . . 043 0 00 043 0 00 Peeter Beaghan <
043 0 00 John Bingham

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
14 Bishops Land . . . . Moregagagh 1/2 a Qr. Arrable and
Pasture cont. . . . . . . 040 0 00 040 0 00 Bishop of Tuam 1/2 Qrs.

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
15 Cartron between ye Bps. Land
& ye 7 Cartrons of Cahir McKelley 001 0 0 002 0 00 002 0 00 Plus
being Rocks and Arrable 1/4 wast . . .

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
16 Sr. Richd. Blake . . Cagher McKellicke 7 Cartrons
Arrable & Pasture containing . . 121 0 00
121 0 00

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
17 Connor Darcy . . Part of a Cartron cal’d Loughankillogh Robert Blake #
Arable & Pasture containing . . 011 0 00 011 0 00

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
18 Sr. Richard Blake . . Carrowreagh 1Qr Arrable and
Pasture . . . . . . 051 0 00 051 0 00 Robert Blake #

A= Acres , R=roods , P=perchs Lands Unprofitable Lands Profitable Acres disposed on the Acts * Beneficiary after rebellion
Numbers in the Plot Proprietors’ Names
[ Anno 1641 ]
Denominations of Land A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. To whom soe disposed Page
19 Idem . . . . A Parcell of Sumer Pasture in
winter a Lough 1/2 profitable 012 0 00 011 0 00 011 0 00 Robert Blake #
belonging to No. (16) . .

* The caption in the text adds “by the Downe Survey” but since in Mayo county the Barony of Tirawley only (Appendix A) was admeasured by this survey the misleading reference has been deleted : the original source of all the acreages given here was the Stafford survey.


# Certificate and Patent Act of Settlement
< Cite of Court of Claims or Certificate Adventurers and Soldiers or Trensplanters
W Decrees of Innocence: Decrees Courts of Claims
)< Commission of Grace 14 March 36 Charles II – 21 April 1 James II.
Wo Composition Rent (Connaught)
x Trustees Sale 1688 Forfeitures: sold 1701-1703
4 Quaere: : Left to law.


Abbreviations Meanings
a., ac. acres
AB, Archbp. Archbishop
ar., era., err., arra., arrab ar., era., err., arra., arrab. ar., era., err., arra., arrab. . . arable
al, alias , alis , als . alias
baro barony
B., Bip., Bpp Bishop
+ C Church land
C, car., cart., Cartr cartron
cont containing
+ D dean
Ea Earl
ffz , fz Fitz
+ G glebe
ibm. ibidem
li libri (pounds, sterling)
mount. mountain
O.S. Ordnance Survey
Pa. past. pasture
pcell parcell
pt. part
Prd., prod., predict Pr(a)edictus (aforesaid)
pro., prof pfit, profit, pfitable profitable
proprs proprietors
Pro., Prot Protestant
P.R.O. Public Record Office
qr . quart
qua., quar., qr., qur quarter
Q.R.O Quit Rent Office
Qt. Rts Quit Rents
Sr. Sir
S.O. Stationery Office
S & D book MS book of survey and Distribution
+ V Vicar
+ Church (land)




With Maps of the county from Petty’s Atlas, 1683, and of
Tirawley barony from the Down Survey, 1657.

Title page of the Mayo book !

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